Poster designs

Stephen Duffy

Two poster designs by myself and Olivia for the project, we thought that the chimneys were a really iconic landmark in Dublin so we decided to make them the focus of the poster.

tiltshiftdublinPoster tilt-shift dublin poster A3-02

Liberty Insurance shoot

Stephen Duffy

We went shooting at the Liberty Insurance building in Blanchardstown 3 days ago. The weather was fantastic for once so we managed to get some really nice shots for the film.


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Dublin City and Bewley’s Hotel

Today we went shooting and got access to the Bewley’s Hotel near the airport. We were given access to the roof top which gave a pretty nice view of the surrounding area and overlooked the airport. Later on we headed to the Millenium Tower in the city centre where we got some footage looking out from the stairwell. These are some photographs and stills from the footage I took.

By Stephen Duffy









Some stills taken from our promotional video

By Stephen Duffy

Trailer so far

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Trailer so far-8

Trailer so far-7

Trailer so far-4

Trailer so far-5 Trailer so far-3  Trailer so far-2

What is tilt-shift Dublin?

The aim of tilt-shift Dublin is to create a high quality tilt-shift style time lapse video, without the use of tilt-shift lenses. This will be done in post-processing. Tilt-shift Dublin will be completed by June 2013 and will launch with an accompanying website which will contain our creative process and an in-depth tutorial on who to create your own tilt-shift video.